Exclusive mix number 37 comes from the mysterious and unknown quantity # As you can imagine there is next to no information to be found on this anonymous Frozen Border affiliated producer. So we took the opportunity to ask him a few questions in an attempt to gain some insight into the man behind the number.
You only have the one release so far under your # guise. Have you ever produced under a different name, and if you have, do you feel that this alias allows you to explore other musical outlets or is it purely for the purpose of anonymity?
Yes I did and I still do. The #. is Frozen Border exclusive and of course those tracks are different, I would say a bit more relaxed and even more stripped down.
Frozen Border 11 B1 - # [Frozen Border]
On the subject of anonymity how do you feel about the relatively
recent explosion of DJ celebrity culture? Do you feel remaining
anonymous helps keep the focus on the music?
Well I always try to keep the focus on the music. That's everything which counts for me. So for me in person, names doesn't play a big role.
Do you have any favourite clubs that you tend to go to and have you
seen any DJs/live acts recently that have particularly impressed you?
No I don't like to go out for having party. But I saw Skudge live last year, that was impressive. A real liveact with hardware.
Where do you draw your influences from? Are there any producers in
particular that you look up to, past or present?
Everything I recognize influences me in a way. Of course there are a few guys I look up to.
Can you talk us through your thought process behind the mix?
I've recorded it on a lazy Sunday and I wanted to record something different, not just a typical club set.
The mix that you've done for us is vinyl only, where do you stand on
the vinyl versus digital debate?
I like vinyls and CDs. Those are my weapons of choice. Everyone should choose his own but to be honest, to press sync buttons isn't a challenge - I don't like perfect sets, that's not human.
And finally, can we expect to see anything from #. in the near future?
Thanks for taking the time to answer a few of our questions and for recording the mix for us.
Without doubt #'s contribution to the series is one of our favourite to date, great selections that slowly and subtly build up to a crescendo before crashing back down at the last minute. A mix best served late at night with a decent pair of headphones. No tracklist on this one so get commenting on those track i.d's!
HH MIX #037 - # [download]
If a is 1 and b is 2 and c is 3. THen the name produced by those numbers is "suckut" - which pretty much explains nothing. I just had to share that I'd done that just to see if I could work it out. haha
^ not sure if serious...
Damn. Is this mix nolo.ger available... I keep getting redirected to the front page.
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