Finishing the year in true festive spirit Bukez Finezt has recently made 12 tracks available to download. Some good, some not so good. I've picked out the best from the bunch but if you dig his sound - then you can pick the whole lot up from here.
With a long background in producing, having previously been a Drum n Bass head he knows his way around the software and is set to come out with something special in the near future. He has releases on Barish Records and Tuff Love Dubs (Ultrablack's new label), to name a couple and also - "Code Red" and "Watz Crackin" are forthcoming on an EP with Suspect on Prime Audio.
Drop It Like It's WobWob
The Illest
Heymischer Bulga (Remix) - Al Jawala
You into that Jakwob esque electro pop shit? This one's for you...
You Still Hurt Me (Remix) - William Fitzsimmons
This is the last post of this kind for a while - with a new year we see a new direction, you'll love it.
Love it :D
these tracks are sick...not to mention this guy is very good looking
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