Just got these tracks through the inbox and my GOD! this is some full on side steppin', stomach churning, dubstep that needs to get noticed. Jayou also know as James Martin adds these heavy wobbly beats to the ever growing Manchester dubstep scene. He currently runs the night Oh NO! and one of his main aims for this year is to get the party properly up and raving. Be sure to get down and support it.
He first bought his midi keyboard two years ago, figured out how to use the on/off button last year and since then has taught himself the ins and outs of Logic. It seems to be working wonders!
Crack Hands – Jayou
Yes yes this track has been overplayed soooo much, most of us can't bare to listen to it anymore but even if this is the case you need to get your winter red ears round this remix. Works the vocals nicely, the first drop teases you with what’s to come in the second and by that time you need to be bouncing. V nice!
Day n’ Nite (Jayou's Hold The Phone Remix) - Kid Cudi
If I had a 2009 list on the go, this one would definitely be noted for sure and if you're a Dubstep DJ or vinyl addict, you should be hassling to get this pressed. BIG TUNE!
Ghost - Jayou [RUDEEE]
I'm feeling a little hint of Fake Blood but in a different style? We need more…!
Fibs & Thade x
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