There’s been lots of mixes and promotional stuff recently which is leading a different direction from what I first off started this blog for. I never used to listen to mixes and from the download numbers many of you don’t either but... they are the way forward in this world where our music moves so fast. Many mixes have new exciting material which isn’t available to purchase or download while also portraying a particular area of music the artist is interested in – perhaps you haven't listened/discovered that area yet. There’s also the element of the way the tracks are put together into a story of sounds. However, I started this blog to share the music which I’m particularly enjoying at the moment so, I'll start with the lighter ones...
This one has been all over the internet/radio etc and there's a reason for that cos it's a number of things but; well produced, beautifully addictive and soothing are the first that come to mind. Play it before bed or turn it up full volume and it'll soon be on repeat. The xx on the buttons - you all know about Florence. If you haven't already picked it up, do it.
You've Got The Love (The xx Remix) - Florence & The Machine
While still on the lady stuff, this track was released a couple of weeks ago but just before that Martyn let out this slightly lower quality version for free. I've been meaning to post it since because it's had a lot of plays round these parts. If anyone can confirm that one of the lyrics is about dishwasher tablets then let me know cos I think it's a bit odd?!
Seven (Martyn's Seventh Remix) - Fever Ray [BUY 320]
Another tune which has been gathering dust. Some may recognise this from the Hush Pipe Mix and I meant to post it after that but don't think that happened. Got another tune of his in this post. Impressively mixed down on headphones.
They Live! (Alkaseltza Remix) - Evil Nine [RUDEEE]
Big wobbly one this from Bristolian TIME, good wobbly though. He's moved his production style on since - check Voodoo on the myspace. This instrumentally, rhythmic number will get those bassbins rumbling mid-set.
Black Magic - TIME
Voodoo - TIME
This dropped in our box this morning, another from Statix. Another big tune from Statix I should say. Appropriately named and shows even more promise for big things to come. Also check out "Running Away" by Wedge & Shadz (and the Guido remix) which was released yesterday. Shadz is part of the Statix crew.
Drill - Statix [HEAVY!]
To finish off here is a very nicely produced chilled beat from DiverseConcepts who you'll definitely be hearing about again when I get my act together. In the meantime lul yourself to sleep with this one or roll yourself a wizards sleeve.
Come - DiverseConcepts
That's propatingz blaaad.
Lyrics in question for "Seven"...
Accompany me
By the kitchen sink
We'll talk about love
We'll talk about dishwashing topics
still weird!
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