I reckon a lot of you have plans for tonight as there's plenty of stuff going on. Big line ups all over the place. Particularly in London. Unfortunately the trains aren't running which means I'm bound to sweet Suffolk for the evening. Field Day after party tomorrow night looks like it's on the cards though. That should be a...
South London based producer Full Spektrum began making music in 2003. Having grown up with early Jungle and Hardcore, he moved into production as the equipment became more affordable and began learning production techniques making D&B as well as experimenting with other music styles. Dubstep music provided him with a mixture of deep, dark vibes which he loved from the early Jungle days while also being able to keep very broad experimental elements to the music. Since producing Dubstep, his sound has developed into a more individual style, fusing old skool breakbeats and funk loops, with deep, atmospheric soundscapes.
Check the myspace for lots more information on what's been released and what's forthcoming. Here we have a few of his remixes from the past couple of years which he's been given permission to let out for people to play rather than them rotting on his hard drive. All fit in the 140bpm bracket but there's a huge range in production styles. Starting off chilled with a sick little womp...
After being active for half a year and having put out so much good Dubstep within those six months, Twenty/Twelve have received and scouted many many tunes so they've decided it was only right to build the second part of their three part series. "The Vertical Lion" was compiled over 3 months and has been a treat for them to work with so many talented individuals while they secured their spot on this mammoth release.
“The LP may have some bits that you have heard before and some bits that are completely unique to Twenty/Twelve. We are confident that this project is one our coolest releases and further drives the point home that we are NOT fucking 'round with dropping gems on you.
In terms of overall sound of the project , you may become confused as you preview the LP as we selected the most diverse tracks we could to match the sound of the Twenty/Twelve imprint. We have stuck to moto "we have no specific sound." Heads don't cling to one or two sub-genre's, we strictly put out what we like and hopefully everyone of you will find 5 or 6 cuts of the whole release..."
01. The Lion Speaks [intro] 02. Are You Ready - FSTZ 03. Ride - Raspian 04. Snakes & Ladders - Anomie 05. Alleyway Dub Market – Netrik 06. Brutal – Richie August 07. Dub Cutz Vol. 2 – The Faun 08. Party People - Selfsimilar & Press 09. Shatter Cake – Ruckus & Roke 10. Kash - Whoami [RUDEEE] 11. The Guide - Fluid [RUDEEE] 12. Adrift – X-Zero [RUDEEE] 13. Neutrino Survivor – D-Struct 14. Depth Charge – J Nitrous 15. Unvisible – Tapir 16. Titan - Raspian 17. Get Close – Delta Labs [RUDEEE] 18. Be Specific – Capo 19. Summer Madness – Kid Logic 20. Don’t Cheat, Don’t Steal (Feat. Laney) – Jayou [RUDEEE] 21. Bloodsucka – Graish 22. Terrorize – Fatal Fury 23. Tranquil – Dayn 24. Sole Trader – Fused Forces 25. The End’s Now – Geochelone 26. Business As Usual - Graish [RUDEEE]
Don't be afraid to tell them what you think, you listeners make the project and your opinions matter. If you don't know by now, someone will gladly tell you, jus as long as you ask.
Make sure you check out the Vandals page where there’s plenty more free Dubstep put out by this hard working, smartly designed Net Label.
I haven't been listening to this kinda music very much recently but after tapping my feet to these wobbles for the last half hour, it's reminded me that when it's done properly, I love it! Jack Beats deliver a top mix here full of big room sounds. Hope you're all looking forward to their debut EP which is released on the 3rd August. Hopefully this will then be followed by their remix of the very well known "Mars". Big up to the Wizards for the heads up on this one, they're on fire at the moment.
01. Jack Beats - U.F.O 02. L-Vis 1990 - United Groove 03. Hard House Banton - Sirens 04. Trevor Loveys - Organ Grinder (The Counts Big B-Morgan Remix) 05. Boy 8 Bit - City Under Siege 06. Hockey - Song Away (Jack Beats Anger Management Remix) 07. Project Bassline - In da VIP 08. Jack Beats - Get Down VIP 09. Proxy - Raven (Crookers Remix) 10. Diplo & Blaqstarr - Get Off (Jack Beats Remix) 11. Fake Blood - Mars (Style Of Eye Remix) 12. Sharkslayer - So Sincere (Renaissance Man Remix) 13. Jack Beats - Labyrinth 14. MJ Cole - AO (Zed Bias Wind Up Mix) 15. Herve & Jack Beats - Rainstick (w/ Major Lazer acapella) 16. Duck Sauce - Your Nasty
Now, this time I've left the best till last cos this tune is one of those ones which instantly makes a big impression. It's along the same lines as B. Rich's "Killin It" which I mentioned a couple of posts ago. I urge everyone to download this tune. Let me know what you think of it. HUGE TUNE! Yes? Yes yes yes. No sleeping now!
Few little goodies in this mix Ginz has done for Data Transmission. Pretty essential listen in these times. For those that didn't know Ginz used to be 30Hz back in the Breaks days. Purple crew close to the top of the game. Cop it now...
I know the posts have been pretty scarce this month, not really sure why. Too much going out n stuff maybe. This should make up for it though. Lotsa tunes for you to party to, chill to, mix with, lose your mind to and generally do what you normally do with music. Listen and enjoy? Yeh that's what most people do.
First I have a couple of tunes which follow in the footsteps of Enigma's remix of Imogen Heap which seemed to go down so well. That track has been spread across the internet and had lotsa love all round so here's a couple more.
What's happened to all proper beats and heavy shit, it's been replaced by melodies and female vocals you might be thinking. Yeh, well, that's just what I'm in the mood for at the moment. For those that are pining for the other stuff... here you are. Two new producers with some filth.
Saw Gentleman's Dub Club the other day and they were really impressive, as someone's said before, I'd have them play at my wedding. We heard from HavocNdeeD back in this post. This ones on the Dub Reggae tip, I dig lots.
Zinc's been in the House game for a little while now. His latest Crack House mix has just come out which you can pick up here. This track has been released as part of the build up to Rinse's 15th Birthday. Not sure about the lyrics but nevermind.
Now on the electro ish front, got a new one from one of our favourites, Foamo and another not so new from another favourite Stupid Fresh. Get the fuck up.
And lastly, not sure how well this one will go down round this parts as it's the first of it's kind that I've posted. Anyone feeling this new Funky biz? I'm not so sure about it yet but this track is alright nonetheless. I'm so fly I feel like I'm skydiving. Quite catchy.
It's all well and good picking up free music but I can't emphasise enough how much better music is when you part with your hard earnt monies for it. It makes the song 10x better! The reason I'm saying this is cos our friends The Boogaloo Crew have recently made their songs available to buy, so all you people out there should bag this now.
I was in a really bad mood/tired after work today and not really up for a Friday night out but after listening to these four tracks from The Living Graham Bond I am quite literally Ready For The Weekend. I first heard of this guy when he won the AC Slater Hello remix competition due to the fact that his track is completely different from the original and very bright and bubbly. Check it.
I wanted to introduce him properly, unfortunately the emails kinda fizzled out a while ago but after discovering from his myspace that a few other remixes were on blogs I thought it's time for a post! Happy bouncy bubbly basslines for when you need a break from the normal heaviness. The "You're Not Alone" track has been given another life...
His first release "Just Getting Started" was on Venga's Made In 2010 compilation so pop over to Beatport and support a very worthy cause. Watch out and have a lovely weekend, be it at Latitude or Glade or whatever else is going on.
I’ve had my eye on these guys since I stumbled across their myspace and the tracks in the player made a big impression on me. It’s electro, but it’s not electro. It’s breaks, but it’s not breaks. Or is it? The only way I can describe it is fucking bouncy ravey bleepy filthy party music. Ha. Maybe kinda nu-skool electro breaks? Check it for yourself and see.
Anyway, it’s interview time again so…
Tell me a little about who Rogue Robots are, what you're about and where you're from?
We’re here to take your women and steal your land! No sorry, that was our previous life, we sometimes have flashbacks. We are based in sunny, sandy Bournemouth on the South Coast. We’re about making dirty electro badness tunes because it’s cheaper than buying them, what with the credit crunch n all!
Are you new to the game or have you been hiding under different aliases? if so what's the history?
Well I guess you could say we’re pretty newborn as a duo, running together for only 8 months, but I (Lee Nazari) have been DJing since the summer of 2005 where I learnt my trade in Ibiza surrounded by the most inspiring DJs and producers. Gareth Salmon, Cod as we call him, is in a live breakbeat band called The Freefall Collective who gig all over the place. Breaks Poll, Glastonbury, all round Europe and I’m pretty sure they’ve done even done a Barmitzva! Tough crowd though at a Barmitzva, it’s like they don’t even want you there…!
What are your views on the breaks scene at the moment? Is it dying?
In a nut shell, yes! But more to the point it’s just gone stale. I’ve run a massive breaks night called “Break Da House” here in Bournemouth and we’ve had everyone you could think of like Stantons, Plumps, Evil Nine, Meat Katie, Dub Pistols etc etc. We’re actually stopping it this month after 5 glorious years because it’s not what I’m about anymore. The people at the top just seemed to fancy other genres more. This has left a whole bunch of Breaks people with very little good new music to listen to, so I guess the scene has disbanded into Dubstep, Electro, Crunk and any other genre with phat basslines. Sad really, for Breaks that it. But give it 3 years and it’ll be picked back up again with a fresh blood of eager producers who’ll put an edgy twist on it and away it goes again with a name like Psycho Breaks or something along those lines!
Tell us a little about what's forthcoming and what's already out... where can the video/s be watched?
Out there at the moment is our first EP, the “Get Ya” EP which has 3 very solid dancefloor rockers on it that will do any DJ proud at the right time. We’re also got a few remixes floating around but they’re more House based as that’s what the label required at the time. What’s coming out is more exciting, with remixes for Cadged Baby, Marc Vedo and our 2nd and 3rd EPs all in the bag – just waiting for release dates. The next thing you can get your hands on is a remix for Upstart:Music mid Auguest time which is something we’re really loving as it touches on a real old skool feel with nu skool flavours, it’s called “Big Up Girl” and is definitely one to watch.
As regards to music videos, we’re having a full 100% CGI music video being made and it looks amazing! Should be ready September/November but will be worth the wait. Check this one for the time being:
You mentioned a live show in October, is this in progress?
The live show is what Rogue Robots are about really, when we first came together, performing live was our goal and as of October we hope to have achieved that. It will consist of an Allen Heath XONE4D mixer, 3 synths, 2 keyboards, a laptop running ableton, 3 CDJs and a mic for some freestyling… no, that last one is a lie. Haha.
I’m glad the freestyling is a lie! Top five artists at the present?
Well that’s pretty touch because they fill moods not timescales with me, but off the top of my head, some sheer dancefloor smash it outness:
Mightyfools would make my top 5 for sure. Are you into this Dubstep biz?
One of my friends runs a pretty big Dubstep night called “Dubinium” so I’m quite partial to a bit of “electronic Reggae” as I like to call it. It’s pretty much the new DnB scene with a new twist. Anything with phat riffs and dominating bass gets me going so Dubstep definitely puts a big smile on my face.
It definitely puts a big smile on our faces too! If I was to visit your hometown, give me a little brief of what would happen on a Friday night out...
Well it’d more than likely be at one of my parties starting off with a pre gig mix and drinks at mine, getting slowly topped up before we hail a cab and make like the trees. We would arrive at the bash to a host of smiling faces and welcoming hugs from the army of music lovers before heading straight to the bar for another swifty. Then it’s time to wade our way through the crowd to the console, trying not to bash peoples knees with my record box! After doing what I do best, we would then throw some shapes while slowly losing the ability to function but still being propped up by the phatness of the sounds lapping you all over the dancefloor! Before you know it you’d turn to me and say “shit it’s 7am! I’ve got to make my Nan’s breakfast in an hour!” So off you’d skip leaving behind one of the most memorable nights you’ve ever had! (The PG13 version would be something like that…!)
Haha. And lastly, are you heading/been to any festivals this summer?
I’m hoping to do Secret Garden Party but after losing the absolute plot there one year it’s going to take some soul searching if you know what I mean. I’m more of an Ibiza man myself so I’ll be heading over there to stay with my best friend Mr Doris who is Space and Pacha resident – never a dull moment!
Well I hope that was an amusing read and that you’ve got a little bit of Rogue Robots stuck in your head. Check the EP and a couple of remixes on Beatport.
I heard this morning that Pond Life has had his tracks signed which is good news huh? Anyways kinda on the same vibe are these tracks from .sØn!ka.. He’s 19 years of age and hails from Costa Rica. He also has a collaboration project with UFO! called Cosmetics.
Stylistically, Cosmetics is characterized by melodic music with tearing out basslines and a distortion of reality aimed towards the blurring of dancefloor limits. Pushing eardrum boundaries with pounding original beats they achieve a fresh but slightly dark electronic sound.
"Our balance is that I come up with 50 ideas a minute, but don’t have the patience to ground one of them. He’s a real nerve in the studio, he grounds it, presses record, I play, he adds to it, and moves it around. There is no second guessing..." says Ed, who described their sessions very much fueled by well-made Costa Rican coffee, bread and butter.
These tracks are definitely fresh, this first one fuses liquid Drum n Bass with dark basslines and vocals to leave a kind of eary techy energetic underground feel…
Second is more on the Dubstep side with a very bouncy wobbly bassline. Still quite techy and definitely still strong Drum n Bass influences. Let it grow on you.
Another mix? I know, you'll jus be thinking lazy posting but actually this mix is seriously good as well. When I saw the tracklisting I was instantly excited and even more impressed to see someone appreciating the talents of Wachs Lyrical. The excitement didn't cease as the listening went on and I'm currently halfway through my second listen already. Annias of Earthside Massive Records has impressed in all areas with this one.
"...conscious with intermittent bangers and some deep dub..."
01. The Streets - The Has It Come To This (Starkey Bass Mix) 02. Kontext - Plumes (Relocate Remix) 03. DG Yola - Aint Gonna Let Up (Starkey Remix) 04. Akira Kiteshi - Pinball 05. Toasty - On Something 06. Ebola - Teledildonics (Shitmat Remix) 07. Dune - In the Air (Part 2) 08. Rootah - Holy Mount Part 2 09. Cruel Culture - Future 10. Kode 9 and the Spaceape - Konfusion (Vocal mix) 11. Desto - One Ting Ft Mindman (Tes La Rok Remix) 12. Distance - Traffic (Goth Trad Remix) 13. The Subdivision - Le Mani Su 14. Pson - Crack Cocaine 15. Emalkay - Gut Feeling 16. Tenebrific - No 8 17. Richie August - Hustle Baby 18. Wachs Lyical - Pincer Strike 19. Enigma - Catacombs 20. DZ - Rollin (Akira Kiteshi Remix) 21. Rumblejunkie - The Rules 22. Ameniphus - Stanky Pussy 23. Vishnu - Power of Love
Picked this mix up a while ago, kinda by accident but have listened it a few times now and I have to give it 10/10. I have to admit though, I'm a bit oblivious to this side of the scene but have been researching it more and more recently since seeing going and so expect to be hearing more in the future. It's very easy to get caught up with all the new shit and emails etc, kinda get sidetracked from the good stuff. From now on I am going to try and keep and emphasis on quality. If I slip up, please remind me! Silkie has released his debut album (I think, it's sposed to have been released but can't find any details if it has been or not!) on Deep Medi Musik.
"Deep Medi Musik are proud to present the debut album from one of dubstep’s most exciting artists: Silkie. Hailing from west London, “City Limits Volume 1” is a glorious explosion of physical energy and concentrated emotion. Deep Medi is the burgeoning stable of dubstep pioneer, Mala (Digital Mystikz/DMZ).
The combination of impassioned melodies, ruff London bass, wonky synth and jungle-esque flourishes on “City Limits Volume 1” have made Silkie and his Anti Social Entertainment camp mainstays of the biggest and most influential venues in dubstep, like Fwd>>, DMZ London & Leeds, as well as London’s leading station Rinse FM.
The album is the culmination of eight years hard work: Silkie began producing at 15 while still at school. He’s now seeing the fruits of his labour with DJ bookings both across the UK and worldwide. Through his emotive production vision, he’s long since exploded beyond his own personal City Limits."
01. Silkie - Concrete Jungle - Deep Medi 02. Silkie - We Are Robots - Dub 03. Silkie - Turvy - Deep Medi 04. Silkie - Dam4 - Soul Jazz 05. Silkie - Spark - Deep Medi 06. Silkie - Float - Dub 07. Silkie - Sty - Deep Medi 08. Silkie - Lol - Dub 09. Silkie - Quasar - Deep Medi 10. Silkie - Test - Deep Medi 11. Silkie - Purple Love - Deep Medi 12. Silkie - Gypsy (Rmx) - Dub 13. Silkie - Planet Ex - Deep Medi 14. Silkie - I Sed - Deep Medi 15. Silkie - Head Butt Da Deck - Deep Medi 16. Silkie - Untitled - Dub 17. Silkie - Techno 22 - Deep Medi 18. Silkie - Untitled - Dub 19. Silkie - The Horizon - Deep Medi
Pitchfork makes good, interesting reading - you should definitely check it. If this floats your boat, the writer Martin Clark has his own blog too - Blackdown Soundboy.
It only seems like the other day that I posted a Widdler booty but he's back with another. Doesn't really need any explanation - everyone knows the original.
Next, this was given to The Fat! Club as an exclusive (oi Jason!) but I had to steal it cos 16Bit are amongst my favourite producers at the moment. Melodies mixed with filth is fine by me!
DZ with a couple of collaborations. Been meaning to post this Phatcat one for a while now, just haven't got around to doing a post so thought it'd be perfect to drop these two together. Both of these originally Bum n Drass I believe.
Carrying on the hefty productions, Tek-One who we heard from in this post, is taking you to somewhere where you haven't been before. This track starts off with a kinda Chase n Status bass synth which then drops into a whole different world of musical noises. A world infested with huge bass and filthy metallical synths. Occasionally you start to slip into a daydream, not only to find your self making a quick u-turn back down the path you've just been up.
So I haven't posted properly for a week, bad huh?! Nevermind. (Not that the Boogaloo post doesn't count a proper post). There's been way more exciting stuff going on. Now, we've a fair amount of Dubstep recently so I've decided I think a little break is necessary. To start with we have a couple of bouncy tracks from the well known Rogue Element and Hostage.
Found this the other day by complete accident but this just empahsises to me why I rate Zombie Disco Squad a lot. Simple but effective. Are you a jacker?
This tune, well, Kidda is just sick. But... you'll all remember Herve's remix of their Under The Sun from last summer, this could be the replacement. HeavyFeet on point as usual. Unfortunately it's not the full track but you'll get the idea. Reckon it's getting a release or summink.
And the last of this Electronic kinda stuff, these two are proper party tunes. NROTB remix is well put together, rolling bassline, ravey riffs and good use of the original vocals while the Blatta & Inesha remix is faster paced but still stuffed full of the ravey riffs. Rampage's War EP is now out on Beatport so go check the rest of it.
The next trouble vision sees a huge line up for an after party in Brighton. Check the Facebook event for more details and if you're in the area, don't miss it.
Whilst on topic, The Boogaloo Crew have just finished up a couple of tracks, continuing the tight production and therefore you all need to check these out. First is a heavier tune with a sample which many should recognise...
Next is another version of a bootleg (I think) which was inspired by DRT - his version is now out on wax so those vinylheads, this needs bagging. Summery garage vibes all over this one, maybe a little wobble too.